Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Motherland

My Motherland

The land of the blacks
The continent called dark
Thou art been truly battered
A land flowing with milk and honey
Yet a reference for folly
Oh, Motherland!
Dear to my very heart
It is very sad
That your children have become grains of sand
Non-cohesive but scattered
Oh, what a monumental disaster
That your children have departed from what matters
Blindly, they labour in vain
Groaning under the pain
Yet, putting themselves under more strain
So that they continue to faint
Oh my Motherland! Oh, my home!
I hurt deeply in my soul
When I think about your yoke
And how impossible to cope.

Alas! A new era has come
Rejoice Motherland
Your liberation is near
A new generation is here
A set of youths reformed
So as to put their Nation in form
A people on covenant
To rescue their Motherland
Men and women of valour
Commissioned to restore honour
And bring back dignity
Through their creativity
How long shall we continue to wait?
When we have what it takes
To change our Nation’s story
And free her from captivity
The time has arrived
For us to be fired from inside
Let us set our passion on course
And make use our force
Let us maximize our talents
To face up to this challenge
Let us take our rightful place
And clothe our Motherland with grace
Rejoice Motherland
Weep no more Africa
Very soon, your travails will be over
And our faces will be full of laughter.

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